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Coche Slot Listo para Correr for Rally range Tribute

SKU: 50503
Choose your finish


Limited Edition: only 100 units available.

Premium materials and suspension on the bench. Maximum performance for Rallyslot. Prepared and ready to compete. 

  • Orders will be served in the order of order from 7.03.2025

To purchase this car, you can choose from 2 options that are detailed in the product variants where it says "Choose your finish":

  • "Full" option: Car decorated and fully assembled by SRC (online sale SRC)
  • Option "With decals to be placed by the client": Car fully assembled by SRC and undecorated, with decals included to be placed by the customer. (Available in stores)


Complete assembled UPGRADE chassis:
Motor M3/N (RM0112)
Gear 24z/10z In Line AL/W aluminium for 2,38mm shaft + ( 1 x Prisoner 2'5 x 2'5)2 x Motor screw T2 (RM1004)
Base plate RM1608 + 2 x screw RM1018 + 2 x spring RM0811 + 2 x screw RM1002 + 2 x washer RM1405
2 x Block C part (RM1607)Guide T3 (RM0711).
1 x Spring guide T3. 1 x Screw 1,8 x 6 + Washer RM14052 x Cable (Black - silicone pro.).
2 x Terminal cable. 2 x Braid 22mm STD
2 x Brass bearing RM0502 antifriction bearing for rear suspension
2 x Axle 50mm Steel B.
4 x Spring clips (for adjusting front axle) 2,5 x 0,45 x 3 (RM1001)
2 x Supremex bolt 2,1 x 8mm (RM1015) for bodywork
2 x Tyre RN0117 rear. 2 x Tyre RN0201 front
4 x Rims (RM0627) + Hubcap MULTIRADIO BMW (RM1312)